
2024-04-19 21:14:53 趣味生活 32阅读 回答者:宝百科
最佳答案今天我们来看一下lookafter,以下6个关于lookafter的观点希望能帮助到您找到想要的百科知识。本文目录look after是什么意思?look after的中文意思look after的用



  • look after是什么意思?
  • look after的中文意思
  • look after的用法
  • look after 的用法
  • look after是什么意思
  • look after的用法及同意短语
  • look after是什么意思?

    look after的中文意思是:照顾,照料,料理,打理。look after的英式发音为[luk ˈɑ:ftə] ,美式发音为[lʊk ˈæftɚ] 。 拓展资料 look after的用法 1、I love looking after the children 我喜欢照顾小孩。 2、We'll help you look after your finances. 我们将会帮您理财。 3、People don't look after other people's property in the same way as they look after their own. 人们是不会像照管自己的房产那样照管别人的房产的。 4、I sent word to her to go and look after you. 我给她送个信儿,让她去照料你。 5、I just can't be bothered to look after the house 我就是不想费事照看这所房子。 6、My duty is to look after the animals. 我的责任就是照看这些动物。 7、I know the Lord will look after him 我知道上帝会眷顾他的。 8、They wanted someone responsible to look after the place at night-time 他们想要个有责任心的人夜间照管这个地方。

    look after的中文意思

    look after: vt. 目送(寻求,照料,看管) 例句与用法: 1. They employed him to look after the baby. 他们聘请他照料婴儿. 2. A boy who is employed by a baseball team to look after its equipment, especially the bats. 棒球球童棒球队雇来看管器械(尤其是球棒)的男孩 3. I can look after myself. 我能照料自己。 4. He has many affairs to look after. 他有许多事务要照料。 5. Please look after my house during my absence. 我不在时,请帮我看房子。 6. He conjured us with his dying breath to look after his son. 他临终时乞求我们我们照顾他的儿子。 7. It's very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business. 你心地真好,在我出差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。 8. We are in a real fix - there is nobody to look after the baby. 我们真的处于困境——没人照顾婴儿。 谈谈look after短语的正确运用 “look after”是一个固定的动词词组,意思是“照顾”、“照料”等。例如: Han Meimei, please look after the twins today. 韩梅梅,今天请你照顾一下这对孪生姐妹。 Please look after the old man. 请照料一下这位老大爷。 “look after”这个动词词组的后边必须跟上所照顾的对象,即我们必须说明白要照顾“谁”,照料“什么”,否则句子就不完整。请注意下面的正误对比: 请照看一下。 误:Please look after. 正:Please look after it. “Wei Hua, look after them, please. ”一句中的“them”也是“他们”的意思,但其用法和“they”不同。代词“they”通常用在句子的开始,或用在动词之前;而代词“them”则应用在动词之后。试比较: 再请注意下面的正误对比: 请照顾她们。 误:Please look after they. 正:Please look after them.

    look after的用法

    look after的用法如下:

    1、表达“照料;照顾;照管”的意思,look after sb.是照顾某人/某物。

    例句:Can you look after yourself?


    I love looking after the children.



    例句:We'll help you look after your finances.


    look after和look for的区别


    look after意思是照顾;照料;料理;打理。

    look for意思是寻找(某人或某物);找(麻烦);找(苦头)吃;希望得到。


    look for:英 [luk fɔ:] 美 [lʊk fɔr] 。

    look after:英 [luk ˈɑ:ftə] 美 [lʊk ˈæftɚ] 。

    look after 的用法


    look after意思是:照管,照料,照料;注意,关心。

    1、I can look after myself.


    2、I must look after my old grandma.


    3、We look after the baby carefully.






    look after是什么意思

    look after意思是:照顾;照料;料理;打理。 例句: I love looking after the children. 我喜欢照顾小孩。 We'll help you look after your finances. 我们将会帮您理财。 People don't look after other people's property in the same way as they look after their own. 人们是不会像照管自己的房产那样照管别人的房产的。 I sent word to her to go and look after you. 我给她送个信儿,让她去照料你。 I just can't be bothered to look after the house. 我就是不想费事照看这所房子。 My duty is to look after the animals. 我的责任就是照看这些动物。

    look after的用法及同意短语

    一、look after 照管,照料,照料;注意,关心 1、I can look after myself. 我能照料自己. 2、I must look after my old grandma. 我必须照顾我的老奶奶. 3、We look after the baby carefully. 我们小心地照看着婴儿. 二、同义词 1、take care of 他们会悉心照料刚出生的孩子. They take care of their babies from birth. 2、tend 牛仔尤指美国西部地区受雇来照料牛群并骑于马上完成其大部分工作的男子 A hired man,especially in the western United States,who tends cattle and performs many of his duties on horseback. 3、fend for It is time you left home and learnt to fend for yourself. 你应该离家自立了.


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